
I am a quiet person with simple values and believe in contribution to my surroundings. Driven by curiosity, I always focus to improve my knowledge a little bit further.

Solving problems, designing software solutions and coding give me a great amount of satisfaction at the personal level. Beyond it, the academia owes huge respect from me probably because of:

  • the scope of making the greatest degree of impact on human race, through research
  • the scope of direct contribution to building the future of next generation, by teaching them

Area of Interest

Having some background knowledge, I am inclined to explore further the following areas:

  • Algorithms
  • Quantum Cryptography
  • Machine Learning
  • Complex Networks



I have worked in the software industry in different roles:

  • Product Developer (Business Analyst) at Jocata Financial Advisory and technologies where responsibilities included product design, problem solving with focus on designing algorithm, and communication among various stakeholders.
  • Software Engineer at Cisco Systems, where my work involved feature enhancement, bug fixing and testbed preparation for the product Cat6K.
  • Systems Engineer at Infosys Systems, where I worked on Enterprises Solution using Oracle Siebel which is a Customer Relationship Management tool.


With the focus on Computer Science, I have the following credentials:

  • M.Sc. (Engineering) Computer Systems at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
  • B.E. Computer Science at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.

Knowledge Areas


   As part of my formal education in bachelors and masters, a lot of subjects were added to my range of awareness. Out of those, some subjects are worth mentioning as these still stimulate my inner curious child:

  • Analysis and Design of Algorithm
  • Linear Algebra
  • Cryptography
  • Probability
  • Machine Learning
  • Complex Networks

Courses and Certifications

In addition, my inclination towards exploring new areas has resulted in many certifications as well. In between career, I did attend 2 courses
 at IISc Bangalore to expand my skill set:

  • Performance Modelling & Simulation
  • Innovative Product Development and Design Methods 

Additionally, I like to keep on doing some online certifications to keep me updated: